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Mineral Resources Tasmania

Water disposal effects on groundwater quality

Over the period 2000 to 2002 Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) undertook a Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) funded project which examined the effects of waste disposal on groundwater quality within Tasmania. During these investigations, detailed studies were made at thirteen sites.

The project was overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of Local and State government, private consulting and other public representatives.

The project had three main objectives.

  • Identify aquifers vulnerable to pollution.
  • Examine existing waste disposal operations and assess levels of groundwater contamination.
  • Publication of recommendations for the selection of future waste disposal sites in Tasmania.

The project has now been completed.

A final overview report contains an executive summary, project findings, and recommendations for the future management of Tasmanian waste disposal sites (and groundwater conservation - the way forward), discussion and principal conclusions.

Thirteen site-specific reports have also been prepared and can be accessed via the links below: