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Mineral Resources Tasmania

Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative (EDGI) – Round 10

The Tasmanian State Government, through the Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative (EDGI), is offering grants for co-funded exploration drilling projects. The aim is to provide a stimulus to greenfields exploration in Tasmania, especially for minerals included on the 2024 Australian Critical Minerals list. The State Government has committed to funding this initiative with $5.0 million over ten years, commencing in 2018, and the program is administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT).

Since October 2018 ninety-eight grants have been awarded for the first nine rounds of EDGI. MRT is now seeking proposals from applicants for a tenth round of projects, to be jointly funded by the successful applicants and the State Government. The projects will be undertaken during 2024-25 and completed by May 2025.

Commencing with Round 8 the Government contribution to each successful project was increased and will be capped at $70,000 for drilling costs, plus an additional $20,000 if helicopter support is required. Targeting of critical minerals has also now been included as one of the technical selection criteria.

Applications are welcomed from mining leases, as well as exploration and retention licences. EDGI will continue to preferentially fund high-quality, technically and economically sound projects that promote innovative exploration or new exploration concepts and technology.

Applicants may submit more than one proposal and applications can be made for all mineral categories, as defined in the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995.

Applications for EDGI grant funding must be completed and lodged online using our web-based Project Proposal Form.

You will receive a password by email to access, complete and lodge your application. The application is stored online and you can save and return to it at any time up to the closing date. Follow the Guidelines for Submission of Applications to help you complete the online Project Proposal Form. The guidelines describe the necessary information for submitting acceptable proposals. Additional plans and sections can also be uploaded and attached to your Project Proposal Form.

Completed online Project Proposal applications, with the appended appropriate supporting information, are due by 2:00pm on Friday, 30th August 2024.

All proposals will be assessed by a panel comprising two MRT staff, an independent industry representative and an academic representative. The panel will use the assessment criteria, as detailed in the guidelines, to evaluate and rank all proposals received.

Applicants will be advised of their success or failure to obtain funding in the week starting 23rd September 2024. Successful projects will need to be completed and a Final Report, and all drill core / samples, submitted to MRT by Friday, 16th May 2025. Grants will be paid after review of the Final Report, any time before the funding agreement ends on Friday, 13th June 2025.

Successful applicants must agree to release to Open File new information and drill core/samples from their projects after a maximum confidentiality period of six months from submission of their Final Report.

For further information please contact the Project Manager, Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative, at

Critical Dates for EDGI Round 10:

Applications open

2pm, Thursday 25th July 2024

Applications, last date for submission

2pm, Friday, 30th August 2024

Successful applicants announced (subject to change)

The week starting 23rd September 2024


Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative (EDGI) Program – Round 10, 2024 - Guidelines for submission of applications