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Six Projects Share Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative (EDGI) Funding in Rnd 9

Six successful projects will share in $440,000 in grants from the ninth round of Exploration Drilling Grant Initiative (EDGI) funding.  EDGI is a Tasmanian Government initiative to increase the level of greenfield drilling in Tasmania. The aim is to facilitate the discovery of new projects necessary for the long-term future of Tasmania’s mining industry and to encourage exploration for minerals listed on the Australian Critical Minerals list.

So far approximately $1.67 million in EDGI grants have been paid toward completed projects from Rounds 1 to 7. Round 8 is still active and if all Round 8 and 9 projects are completed, the total EDGI investment will be approximately $2.6 million.

Successful Round 9 projects are listed below and their locations are shown on the attached map.

Commencing with Round 8, the Government contribution to successful projects increased from $50,000 to $70,000 plus an additional $20,000 if helicopter support is required.

Map IDApplicantProject NameTarget Commodity
1ABx Group LtdBryans RoadRare Earth Elements
2Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture Pty LtdDCTin, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gold, Silver, Rare Earth Elements
3Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture Pty LtdTunnel HillTin, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Cobalt, Indium, Rare Earth Elements
4Moina Gold Pty LtdLeech HillCopper, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Gold
5Rockwell Minerals (Tas) Pty LtdFoleys ZoneTungsten, Tin, Fluorine, Copper
6Tarcoola Iron Pty LtdNorth Scamander StockworkCopper, Tin

A tenth round of EDGI project proposal applications are expected to be called in early 2024.