Mineral Exploration Code of Practice
Mineral Resources Tasmania rigorously enforces a policy of responsible and careful exploration, requiring all proposed exploration activities to be approved, in writing, before work commences.
The purpose of the Mineral Exploration Code of Practice is to provide an outline of the current procedures which must be followed to obtain exploration approvals, and at the same time to give useful, practical information on the expected standards of exploration activities. The Code also details the controls and monitoring procedures which are currently in place.
Other issues of importance to the explorer, such as protocol with private landowners and the need to prevent the spread of weeds and fungal diseases, are also documented.
The first edition of the Mineral Exploration Code of Practice was issued in December 1990. Since then, the code has been updated, and will continue to be revised so as to remain a current and useful guide for explorers. We envisage that the Code will provide explorers with a useful "ready reference" guide to questions relating to all aspects of exploration.
About the Code
The 5th Edition of the Mineral Exploration Code of Practice, released in April 2012, is arranged in three main parts:
Exploration procedures - information for explorers
Mineral Exploration Code of Practice - exploration work standards
Mineral Exploration Code of Practice - more information
A soft cover version can be purchased from MRT for $11.00, or a free pdf version may be downloaded (top right of this page).
Specific code sections can be downloaded here:
Code 5b (Exploration Procedures)
Code 5c (Exploration Standards)
Schedule for onshore exploration for petroleum, coal seam gas, shale gas or geothermal substances
Onshore wells: Approval to drill checklist